Saturday, March 2, 2019

Knowledge to ultimate weath

I have attended a lot of FREE seminar on investment recently and started to realise there is a lot of SCAM in this industry, is like a block box, only people in this field will manage to see the REAL world.

However, there ia one seminar that made me feel like I managed to see the future, the one that actually screen through the creme de la creme among the rest. Simply because I see the planning, a workable one that can bring you far, is to be a sophisicated investor who plan to make it a future career and willing to take time and efforts to learn, and at this point, I hope this is REAL. Because I am convinced at least.

So here is the few points
-First, to avoid scam, learn to ask yourself WHY?
For instance,

1. why CASINO will forever EARN?
-because they work on mathematical probability, when you lose money,what they did? they offer you FREE drink, after you cool down then you continue GAMBLE, after you lose fr the second time, they offer you FREE dim sum!!! What happened when you lost the third time?They offered you FREE stay with FREE spa! and what you did? you COTINUE to gamble the next day!
They are not only working on mathematic probability, they work on human nature and you are TOTALLY under their control

2. Why McDonald is a successful business?
-People said McD win . Others said their franchise, some said their REAL ESTATE. However, the REAL STORY is they work on human nature too. They work on your dependency on COMFORT. Why do I say so. Did you realise everytime before you go to McD, you have this idea of what you going to order? You are so familiar with it that somehow you feel like McD can be you second home. Undeniable, they made money based on their on having a SYSTEM, but they also work on you, YOUR HUMAN NATURE.

3.So what now?
What other succesful business? Apple right?
What apple work on me now?You must be thinking right?
Your Ecosystem! When you think you are in control of Apple
Apple is controling you.
your morning to night routine is all controling by Apple.

Is the whole world is cheating on me now? Great you are asking yourself this ques now
Well, it really depends on what you think

How about SCAM in investment.
1. When people said investing and trading is all bout the right stock you go into, do you believe it?
-Well, it depends, first, Is there a thing as right stock? again you ask yourself, CRAP!If there is, why dont I just buy that right stock and wait fr it to grow?
-Anyone remember NOKIA?It used to be a stock that people said "GUARANTEE PROFIT"
anyone expect it to CRASH right after crisis? Why there are people who earn money from this crisis?
-Because stock is NEVER about the right stock! In fact, there is no RIGHT stock!Is all about timing!

-so what is the REAL LIFE story behind Timing? why some people said there is no RIGHT timing?
Well, that is not false. There is no real timing in Investing but WHY?and what is the exception?
-Let take an example, if I am the BIG BOSS of the company, I have the first hand knowledge, then i share it with the analyst, who is going to know next? of course the acountant, and what they do to earn money? they SELL THE INFO!, the auditory board gets it, the shareholder gets it and the PUBLIC also get it last! so NEVER invest in long term if you are NOT INSIDER!

-investment is RISKY!
-Some people say HUMAN is risky
-WHY?because they forget the fundamental, you need risk management for everything, not just in investment but in life.You need to learn what is moving average and divergence.
***hint- the more volatile the market, the more tradable it is, United health is one option
-people said netflix, fb are one of those option. would you go in? how bout disney?fb?google?
YOU cn go into everything as long as you know how to manage RISK!
you need to know the basic, the stop loss
-THE MINDSET is all, investor try not to loss, not to gain money, why, because they work out the probability
-why you need a stop loss?because human has emotion, they do not DO THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME,SO? Never trust yourself!

33% is the perfect ratio, why?work out you math!

ALL IN ALL, TOP SECRET NOT TO TRADE BIG, then people ask, how to earn money? COMPOUNDING! many of experienced will tell you, never earn fast money, learn first and start small, eventually, you will get there.That all fr today, thnks for reading this nonsense and night....

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